FecoMix 425 Baby Food


Product information:

FecoMix 425 Baby Food – Yellow Corn Flour Non GMO is an ingredient obtained through a modern process of degermination and grains classification. Product with guaranteed traceability and certifications of quality that proves its healthiness.

FecoMix 425 Baby Food was developed for Baby Food production. FecoMix 425 Baby Food meets stringent regulations for Infant Formula, such as low fumonisin levels, as a result directly from the low moisture content of corn, as the raw material is dried directly in the field. FecoMix 425 Baby Food has excellent color due to the greater amount of carotenoids present in Flint corn and ensures greater
industrial performance. FecoMix 425 Baby Food can also be used in the production of Snacks, Biscuits, Cereals, Pastas, Baked goods & Confectionery and Sauces.

Trade and brand names:

Baby Food Yellow Corn Flour

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